Professional Pharmaceutical Services in Chilliwack, B.C.

Our service range includes free blister compliance packaging, medication reviews with our pharmacists, vaccination shots, and more. We also provide free home delivery services to get you your prescription right at your doorstep. We’re your go-to family-owned pharmacy in Chilliwack, B.C. Trusted since 1949, we’ve been providing quality pharmaceutical services to help our customers meet their medication needs. Our experienced pharmacists will help you with everything from figuring out whether your medication is right for you and reviewing your profile so as to better serve your needs. Give us a call to know more about our services or talk to a pharmacist.

We provide free blister packaging services for your unit doses so you can take your medication on time and keep them well-preserved. Visit our pharmacy in Chilliwack, B.C., or contact us to know more.

Worried about your prescriptions or need some professional advice? Our experienced pharmacists will review your medication and talk to you about your concerns to ensure that your medication is right for you.

Don’t risk getting caught by the flu season and get your annual shot at Lock’s Pharmacy in Chilliwack, B.C. We offer free flu shots as well as pneumonia vaccinations for eligible customers.

If you find yourself with no time to spare but need your prescription, we’re here to help. We offer free home delivery services in Chilliwack, B.C., bringing your prescription to your doorstep.
Prescribing for Minor Ailments
Here at Lock’s Pharmacy, we are committed to improving your access to fast, convenient, and personalized healthcare. As of June 1, your pharmacists are now able to prescribe for your minor ailments. Our expert pharmacists can assess your symptoms and help you manage them by providing their expert counsel, recommending over-the-counter products, or even writing you a prescription for 13 Minor Ailments including allergies, UTIs, muscle aches/pains, and more.
Walk-in or call us today to make an appointment and access high-quality healthcare right at your doorstep.
What is a minor ailment?Any illness that is self-limiting and requires short-term treatment.
What conditions can pharmacists prescribe for?Acne Acid reflux Athlete’s foot Allergies and hay fever Canker sores Cold sores Conjunctivitis Dermatitis and diaper rash Dysmenorrhea Eczema Fungal infections including nail fungus, athlete’s foot, jock itch, and ringworm Heartburn Hemorrhoids Insect bites Muscle aches and pain Nicotine dependence Oral thrush Pin worms Shingles Skin infections Urinary tract infections Yeast infections
How does it work?After sitting down in a private space, your pharmacist will assess your symptoms, and come up with the best course of action. Your pharmacist could either advise you about self-care strategies, recommend an OTC product to help with your symptoms, write you a prescription, or refer you to another healthcare professional.
How much does it cost?Your assessment is free of charge and paid for by your MSP coverage. Prescription fees apply as usual based on your insurance coverage.